love abides

Love Abides is a MN nonprofit charitable organization formed for the purpose of seeking out and providing sponsors for the deaf children at Kakuswi Special School for the Deaf in Tawa, Kenya. It is their goal to find sponsors for every child at Kakuswi. Visit for more information and to find out how you can get involved.

Meet the children sponsored by the Harris Covenant family!


Miriam is 14 years old and has been attending Kakuswi Special School for the Deaf since she was 9 years old. She is currently in 6th grade. She is being raised by her single mother who does not have an income. Miriam is a smart girl in class and her teachers feel she has a lot of potential!


Alex Gathage Irungu is 11 years old and in grade 4. He is a newer student to Kakuswi, joining the school in July of 2023. His teachers believe Alex has potential that they can develop to benefit him in the future.


Brandon Akala is 9 years old and in the 2nd grade. He started at Kakuswi in January, 2023. He is a very bright and active boy! His teachers believe he will be academically successful.


Aucilia Nduki is 12 years old and in 7th grade.  She has been attending Kakuswi Special School for the Deaf since she was 5 years old.  She does very well in class.  Her single mother is currently not employed so it is a struggle for her to pay for Aucilia's education.